Number Of Ways Your Skin Can React After a Wax

Do you know what kind of reactions you should look out for after a wax? Your skin is delicate and needs to be handled with extra care. 

Every wax is different, and so are the reactions it can cause on your skin. Whether you use hot or cold wax, some of the most common reactions that can occur after waxing include redness and bumps, along with other skin irritations like stinging and sensitivity.

What is Waxing and How Does it Affect Your Skin?

Waxing is a form of hair removal that removes unwanted hair from almost anywhere on the body using either cold or hot wax. The process involves placing melted wax on the area of the skin which has unwanted hair, waiting for the wax to cool, and then quickly removing it in the opposite direction of the hair growth, resulting in a smooth, hairless skin.

Waxing can be beneficial for the skin because it removes dead skin cells and helps to exfoliate the area, resulting in a more even, smoother complexion. It also helps stimulate the production of collagen, which results in younger-looking skin. Waxing can also reduce ingrown hairs and can even slow down the growth of new ones. The overall result is healthier, more attractive and smoother looking skin.

While waxing has its advantages, it can be painful and may cause breakouts, ingrown hairs, bruising or skin infections in some cases. Fortunately, these side effects are quite rare and people with a greater susceptibility should take extra caution when deciding to wax. Fortunately, most any harm that can arise from waxing can be avoided or minimized with careful preparation and post-waxing measures.

Common Side Effects of Waxing & How to Deal With Them


Waxing is usually a safe procedure, but there is the potential for contamination if proper hygiene protocols are not followed. Poor standards of cleanliness at salons and spas can lead to bacteria being passed from one person to another through waxing. 

To ensure your safety, make sure the salon you choose adheres to strict hygiene measures such as changing waxes between clients and cleaning utensils regularly.

Signs of a skin infection can include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Burning or tenderness of the skin
  • Lesions or bumps on the skin
  • Warmth in the infected area
  • Discharge from the sore

If you experience any unusual or concerning symptoms after waxing, such as redness, itching, swelling or discharge, seek medical help immediately. Your healthcare provider can diagnose and treat the infection if present. Antibacterial cream or ointment and oral antibiotics may be used to eliminate the infection.


Waxing is known to be an uncomfortable experience, but there are ways to reduce the pain. Before, during and after the process you can take measures that make it more bearable. From numbing creams to aftercare tips – Taking a few precautions can go a long way in keeping discomfort levels low.


If you want to reduce pain when waxing, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

To protect your skin from damage, discontinue using retinoids (acne medication). Before waxing, take an OTC pain medication 1-2 hours beforehand and trim your hair to a half-inch length for better wax adhesion. Lastly, use a warm compress to help loosen the hairs for more successful waxing.

If you intend to wax facial hair, the AAD suggests that you stop using an OTC retinol or prescription retinoid product two to five days prior, so that skin is not taken away along with the follicles.


Following your normal routine, you can use cold packs to reduce the pain in affected areas. It’s also best to keep your bath and shower temperatures lukewarm to avoid any further discomfort.

To minimize post-waxing discomfort, opt for loose-fitting clothing. This also reduces the risk of folliculitis, a condition caused by friction from tight fabrics. So, make sure to keep it loose!

Keeping up a regular waxing routine can help make the process more bearable for some people, however, if the discomfort is too much to handle then there are other hair removal methods that you could try. Don’t be afraid to explore and find something that works best for you.


Folliculitis is an infection of the skin caused by bacteria that damages hair follicles. It can occur due to shaving or waxing, whereby the latter has been found to cause it more often on arms in one particular study.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) states that most cases of folliculitis can generally get better without treatment. To aid the healing process, they recommend applying a warm compress to the affected area for 15-20 minutes up to three times per day. Furthermore, it is best to avoid waxing, shaving or plucking hair for the next 30 days in order to prevent any complications arising.

Folliculitis which is resistant to treatment may necessitate the use of antibiotics.


Waxing can cause skin to become more sensitive to the sun, which is known as photosensitivity. This risk is heightened with hormonal contraceptives like birth control pills, making it even more important to shield waxed areas from sunlight.

When you wax your skin, it’s important to be extra careful about protecting yourself from the sun. Make sure you apply sunscreen diligently on all exposed areas and dress appropriately when out in the sun – even on cloudy days. Taking these measures will help reduce any adverse impacts of the sun’s UV rays on waxed skin.

Bruising and Bleeding

Although it’s not common, it’s possible to experience trauma of the skin from waxing. Some people are more susceptible to this and they include:

  • People who have exposed themselves to the sun for a long duration recently.
  • Those who have opted for a cosmetic treatment (e.g. dermabrasion) have seen great results.
  • Individuals on certain drugs are more likely to get bruises, such as aspirin, blood thinners, or hormonal birth control.
  • Those who suffer from certain medical ailments such as rosacea or phlebitis (inflamed veins) are especially prone to their debilitating effects.

Waxing should never be done on skin that is already damaged or irritated. It is advisable to wait until your skin has healed before you get any waxing done.

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are a frequent reaction of most hair removal procedures. These are small hairs that, due to incomplete extraction, curl back into the skin and keep growing. This leads to bumps that can look like acne.

To avoid the risk of infection, regular exfoliation is necessary before and after waxing. This removes dead skin cells, dirt, and other debris which prevents ingrown hairs and ensures hairs grow in the right direction.

When waxing, be sure to pull the wax strip off in the opposite direction of hair growth. Doing this properly will ensure you remove all the unwanted hair and avoid a dreaded ingrown. 

Nobody wants to deal with these pesky skin reactions after a wax. That’s why it’s important to understand your skin type and the best ways to take care of it.

Want the Best Effects of Waxing Without the Pain? Call Us Today! 

Waxing is a great way to remove unwanted body hair, but the pain and discomfort can be a major deterrent. At Pure Escape Resort, we use advanced techniques to reduce pain and maximize the effects of waxing. 

So if you’re looking for quick, effective hair removal without the fuss – give us a call today!